This study sought to investigate the influence of project management processes on the implementation of Geothermal Power projects in Kenya. The study applied a descriptive research design since it was focussed on describing the characteristics of the participants involved in the study. The study used self-administered questionnaires on a sample of 100 members from the target population. The respondents were given a period of 14 days to complete the questionnaires before collection and there was a drop and pick arrangement of the same. This study coded the data in the form that was more easily understood by applying a Likert Scale. It then used SPSS (version 20) to conduct regression analysis and descriptive data analysis using measures of central tendency such as standard deviation and mean. The presentation of the results was then done using a combination of graphs and tables. The results from the descriptive statistics indicated that the majority of respondents felt that their organisations had effectively applied the various aspects of project management practices. Nonetheless, the most influential processes of project management in the geothermal energy sector were Project Planning and Project Closing processes, followed by Project Execution and Project Initiation, respectively. Additionally, the respondents agreed that the implementation of geothermal projects had been conducted appropriately. According to the Pearson Correlation Coefficients, three of the independent variables, Project Planning, Project Execution and Project Closing influenced the dependent variable positively, while Project Initiation influenced the dependent variable negatively. The study recommended the introduction of best practices from global industrial leaders within the geothermal energy sector particularly for wind, biomass, and small hydro sources; the improvement of communication and timely payment of contractors in complex energy projects; and improvements in the integration of defect management systems and processes.
Key Words: Project Initiation, Project Planning, Project Execution, Project Closing, Geothermal Power Projects
CITATION: Langat, R. K., & Nyang’au, S. P. (2020). Project management processes and the implementation of geothermal power projects in Nakuru County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 299 – 326.
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