Projects are generally undertaken because they are part of plans to meet business goals and charter organizations to new levels of performance. They are however constrained by competing demands and competing priorities within the project environment. The performance of the project, and the project manager, is measured by the degree to which they overcome these constraints to meet project objectives. The project management triple constraints of scope, time and cost are regarded by project managers’ as key the successful management of projects. Despite the much acquired knowledge in project management, history shows a pattern of project underperformance with projects not effectively meeting one or more of these expectations. The study sought to determine the effects of the triple constraints on the management of projects in Nairobi from the perspective of the project manager. The study adopted purposive sampling targeting 30 (30% of population) project managers registered by The Kenya Association of Project Managers and Project Management Institute, Kenya Chapter. The study found no statistically significant effect of the triple constraint elements on the management of projects in Nairobi. The study recommends that project managers should identify other external factors and/or intra-management of the triple constraints including trade-offs that could be influencing the management of projects in Nairobi.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i2.241
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