This study sought to establish factors affecting successful completion of national government constituency development fund projects in Laikipia County. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. The target population of this study was 524 CDF projects in Laikipia County. A sample of 53 CDF projects was taken. The results of findings indicated that having all other specific objectives at zero, a unit increase in timely funding, stakeholders’ participation, project management skills and project monitoring led to an increase in successful completion of CDF projects. It further showed that timely funding has a higher influence to the successful completion of CDF projects followed by project management skills, stakeholders’ participation, and project monitoring respectively. From the findings it was indicated that majority of the respondents agreed that timely funding, project management skills, stakeholders’ participation and project monitoring influences successful completion of CDF projects. The study recommended the fund manager of the projects should develop a clear schedule of funds on all the cycles of the projects and have dedicated qualified staff members who are able to create the situations of the successful timely project planning and implementation. A guided policy framework to be developed to capture participatory M&E for projects which will enhance stakeholders’ involvement. The government should also empower the CDF stakeholders and PMC members by training them. PMC members should allow all CDF projects to formally go through the five phases of project management. The outcome of the study would help enlighten fund managers and project management committee members in constituencies on the need for successful completion of national government constituency development fund projects and how to ensure this happens through for example stakeholder participation and enhanced project management skills.
Key Words: Timely Funding, Stakeholder Participation, Project Management Skills, Project Monitoring
CITATION: Ndirangu, C., & Gichuhi, D. (2019). Factors affecting successful completion of national government constituency development fund projects in Laikipia County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 113 – 131.
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