The main objective of this research project was to determine the influence of logistics optimisation on performance of South Sudan People’s Defence Force. Descriptive statistics was chosen as the appreciate research design. The study zeroed down on 200 respondents that were drawn from various units of South Sudan People’s Defence Force composed of non-commissioned and commissioned officers. Data was analysed using SPSS version 20, a statistical software suitable for social science researches. With regards to the relationship between performance of the military and logistics, it was worth noting that among other duties which the military undertook, there were two specific crucial roles which override other responsibilities. These were national security and emergency response in the event of natural calamity. The study found that 52.4 % of the performance of South Sudan People’s Defence Force was influenced by logistics, however there were also some flaws in logistics system of South Sudan military that needed to be addressed in order to fully optimised their performance in terms of efficient and robust response to matters related to security or natural calamity as well as contributing to regional peace and joined missions if required. Therefore the study recommended the need for more improvement on logistics system that would equate South Sudan’s military capacity and readiness to other modernised militaries of the world. Transport system should be enhanced by acquiring many multipurpose mixed fleet of vehicles specifically designed for bad terrain and cargo planes that could be used where such vehicles cannot make it. There was also a need to improve on warehousing management practices to avoid misuse of space and poor storage conditions as it had been the case. This study also recommended acquisition of new communication equipment not vulnerable to weather conditions given that old radios were still being used. Again, there was a real need to incorporate the use of inventory management tools to do away with all sorts of inventory bottlenecks.
Key Words: Transport System, Warehousing Management, Information Management, Inventory Management, South Sudan People’s Defence Force
CITATION: Week, L. K., & Majany, G. (2019). Influence of logistics optimisation on performance of South Sudan People’s Defence Force. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 678 –701.
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