The general objective of this study was to investigate factors affecting implementation of strategic plans at Wellcome Trust Research Programme (WTRP). The study employed a descriptive research design. The accessible population included top and middle level managers. Data was collected through structured questionnaires. The study concluded that different leadership styles were practiced at WTRP namely: bureaucratic leadership style, autocratic leadership style and democratic leadership style. Laissez-faire leadership style was not practiced. There existed positive significant relationship between organizational leadership style and implementation of strategic plans at WTRP. WTRP had proper leadership that was committed to the implementation of the strategic plan and they were actively involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the strategic plan. However, organizational leadership did not motivate employees to implement the strategic plan. There existed a positive significant relationship between organization communication and implementation of strategic plans at WTRP. Communication channels influenced the rate of strategy plan implementation. However, WTRP lacked effective communication channel and feedback mechanisms with regards to implementation of its strategic plans. There existed a negative and insignificant relationship between organisational culture and implementation of strategic plans at WTRP. However, WTRP had conducive work environment for implementation of its strategic plans and organizational values and beliefs were aligned to the strategic plan of the organization. There existed a positive significant relationship between financial resource allocation and implementation of strategic plans at WTRP. WTRP had adequate financial resources for implementation of its strategic plans and it disbursed funds on time to ensure proper implementation of its strategic plans. The study recommended that: there should be open and effective communication channels as well as feedback mechanisms because communication channels determined the speed of implementation of the strategic plan among others.
Key words: organizational leadership style, communication style, organizational culture, financial resource allocation, strategic plans
CITATION: Mnjama, M. D., & Koech, P. Factors affecting implementation of strategic plans at Wellcome Trust Research Programme. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 892 –913.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1161
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