
Procurement is a crucial function of any public or private organization and in an age of globalization with the initiation of entrepreneurial firms, the administration of purchasing and supply has gained more prominence in every sector. Buyer-supplier relationships management has become popular and the process of relationship development has become more vital as organizations create better relationships with their suppliers to achieve their goal. Government ministries play a pivotal role in the country’s development through the provision of public services which promote development. The general objective of this study was to evaluate the role of supplier relationship on performance of government ministries in Kenya; A Case of East African Affairs, Commerce, and Tourism. The study was to assist the management of public institutions which had an understanding of improving supplier relationship. The study came up with the negative and the positive sides’ effects. This was to assist the managers to plan and even to adopt new ways of doing things regarding building the supplier relationship. In order to bring better performance in the public institutions in Kenya by rationalizing their supplier base, involving their suppliers early and developing their suppliers. A descriptive research design was applicable for the study with the population comprising all staff at Ministry of East African Affairs Commerce and Tourism comprising who were 270 in total. The target population was the department of Supply Chain management in the Ministry of East African Affairs Commerce and Tourism, which had 135 workers. Data was collected using structured questionnaire to ensure consistency. This allowed the researcher to organize relevant detailed questions that would be coded into the questionnaire. Questionnaires were to be subjected to a pilot test. Analysis of data was done using statistical package for social science (SPSS). The findings were presented using pie charts, bar graphs, and tables to ascertain maximum clarity.

Key Words: Supplier Segmentation, Supplier Development, Supplier Selection, Information Management 

CITATION: Mweresa, J. O., & Mwangangi, P. (2019). Role of supplier relationship on the performance of the ministry of East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1508 –1523.

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