The general objective of the study was to determine the influence of organizational restructuring on utilization of outpatient health insurance services of National Hospital Insurance Fund. A descriptive research design was adopted. The target population of this study was all the staff working with the NHIF in Kenya whereas the study population comprised a total of 85 staff working at the NHIF, Nairobi County. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences tool facilitated data analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in analysing quantitative data. The results of the analysis were presented in tables and were accompanied by relevant interpretations and discussions. It was established that management restructuring and operational restructuring had significant relationships with utilization of outpatient health insurance cover (p < 0.05). However, both financial and information system restructuring did not have significant correlation with utilization of the aforesaid cover (p > 0.05). It was further revealed that 26.1% of variance in utilization of outpatient health insurance cover could be explained by the investigated aspects of organizational restructuring. Restructuring of the NHIF management was established to be the most critical component of the entire organizational restructuring with regard to utilization of outpatient health insurance cover. The study concluded that the NHIF had restructured its board and also involved employees in decision making. It was inferred that NHIF had diversified service provision to subscribers. It was further concluded that the organization had instituted risk control measures and also enhanced accountability and transparency. Moreover, the organization had enhanced communication through information communication technology. It was recommended that NHIF should revisit management areas that needed restructuring in order to ensure that there is improved uptake and utilization of the outpatient health insurance cover. In addition, it was advisable for the organization to effect appropriate restructuring of the various key areas in order to enhance the foregoing utilization.
Key Words: Management Restructuring, Operational Restructuring, Financial Restructuring, Information System Restructuring, Health Insurance Services
CITATION: Towett, C., & Gachunga, H. (2019). Influence of organizational restructuring on utilization of outpatient insurance schemes of health insurance agencies in Kenya: A case of National Hospital Insurance Fund. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1746 –1762.
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