The general objective of this study was to assess the effect of supply chain management practices on the performance of SMEs. To achieve this, the study established the effects of certain SCM aspects on the performance of Selected SMEs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The SCM aspects include green supply chain management, supplier relationship management, information technology and logistics management. The study was conducted at Selected SMEs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was guided by the legitimacy theory, systems theory, stakeholder theory and agency theory. The study utilized a descriptive research design and did a population census as the sampling method of choice. The study used information from all the 115 employees working at selected SMEs regarding the subject. Closed-ended questionnaires with Likert scales were employed as data collection instruments. Data collected was then analyzed using SPSS V.24. The researcher utilized quantitative techniques and analyzed the findings through descriptive and inferential statistics. The response rate of the study was 80%. The findings of the study indicated that green supply chain, supplier relationships management, information technology, and logistics management have a positive relationship with performance of SMEs. Finally, the study recommended that firms should embrace supply chain management practices so as to improve performance and further research should to be carried out in other institutions to find out if the same results can be obtained.
Key words: Information Technology, Logistics Management, Supplier Relationships Management, Green Supply Chain Management and Performance
CITATION: Gudda, K. O., & Deya, J. (2019). The effect of supply chain management practices on the performance of Small and medium sized enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1870 –1886.
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