This study was conducted at Kibabii University and it sought to establish the influence of supply chain integration in relation to service delivery. The study was deemed to benefit a number of people and institutions notably; the state corporations, policy makers, private companies, research bodies and future scholars. Descriptive research design was adopted in this study, with a target population of 320 respondents who were staff members of Kibabii University who were directly and indirectly involved, and interact with supply chain processes. Stratified Random sampling method was used to select 172 respondents from various departments to participate in the study. The study used questionnaires to collect primary data from the respondents. Data collected was checked for consistency, cleaned and coded for analysis. Presentation of data was done in form of graphs, tables and charts. The research findings indicated that supply chain integration has a positive effect on service delivery at Kibabii University. Null hypothesis for the study was dropped in favour of alternative hypothesis denoting significant contribution of independent variable to the service delivery. The study concluded that, institutions adopting supply chain integration experienced enhanced service delivery. Thus, this study contributed to knowledge in academia that adoption of supply chain integration led to enhanced service delivery. The study recommended that, institutions should undertake rigorous supplier evaluation before seeking a new supplier for outsourcing services. The organizations also can go extra mile to undertake vendor rating. Further research can be done on the challenges facing the adoption of supply chain practices as well as mitigation measures to the challenges.
Key Words: Supply Chain Integration, Service Delivery, Kibabii University
CITATION: Onundo, C. A., & Ndolo, J. M. (2019). Influence of supply chain integration in relation to service delivery in Kibabii University in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2088 –2099.
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