Risk management is an idea which has become very popular among the researchers. Many firms are often instituting a risk management technique in their projects for refining the performance of the projects. One aspect of risk management is Risk Avoidance. Risk avoidance implies declining to acknowledge the hazard by any means. Projects undertaken in the construction sector are generally complex and often have significant budgets, and thus understanding of the strategies to an employee in reducing the risks associated with these projects should be of importance for the project managers. The general objective of this study was to assess the effect of risk avoidance strategy on the success of construction projects. The target population consisted of 60 employees drawn from Narok county courts, which comprises of Narok Law courts and Kilgoris Law Courts. Data were collected from 45 respondents drawn from employees who took part in the day to day running of the projects in these two courts. The descriptive survey research design was used in this study. Data collected was analyzed and interpreted. The qualitative data was analyzed in field and subfield as per objectives and quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics namely mean, score, percentages and frequent distribution. Inferential statistics that is correlation and regression analysis was used to establish the effect of risk avoidance strategy on the success of construction projects in the Judiciary. The SPSS version 23.0 was used as the tool for data analysis. The results showed that majority of the respondents indicated that there was a weak correlation ( r = 0.118) between risk avoidance and project success which was not significant since the P- value was > 0.05. This showed that though risk avoidance might be an important risk mitigating strategy in project management but its effect on the success of the project is not significant. This implies that there might not be a statistical relation between risk avoidance and the success of a project.
Keywords: Risk Avoidance, Construction projects, Success
CITATION: Nturanu, J. N., & Mundia, M. (2019). Effect of risk avoidance strategy on the success of construction projects in the judiciary at Narok County Courts. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2138 – 2147.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1245
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