E-procurement is one of the emerging trends in procurement and uses computer technologies and the internet to conduct procurement operations. This study aimed at examining the contribution of organization factors in Kakamega County. Data was collected in Kakamega County. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The sample frame was purposively selected to constitute 115 employees working in procurement, finance / accounts, Stores/Supplies and ICT departments of Kakamega County. Eighty nine respondents were sampled using simple random sampling. Data was collected by use of structured and semi structured questionnaires which were then checked for comprehensibility and completeness. The data was then analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 24 software. Both descriptive as well as inferential analysis (correlation analysis) was used to determine the level of relationship between the variables and relevant conclusions and recommendations were drawn from the findings on influence of managerial commitment on e-procurement adoption in Kakamega County. Multiple linear regression results using unstandardized B coefficients revealed that there exists a positive and significant influence of managerial commitment on e-procurement adoption in Kakamega County. The study therefore concluded that managerial commitment influence E-procurement adoption in Kakamega County. The recommendation of the study was that, top management support among the county government should therefore set goals, strategies and baselines that are necessary for the adoption of the E-procurement.
Key Words: Managerial Commitment, E-Procurement, Kakamega County
CITATION: Odero, M. A., & Ndolo, J. (2019). Influence of managerial commitment on e-procurement adoption in Kakamega County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2161 – 2175.
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