The purpose of this project was to evaluate the role of strategic control on strategic performance of planned treasury projects in the County Government of Kakamega. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and targeted 145 respondents drawn from the County’s department of Finance and Planning and from these, 125 respondents were proportionately selected for the study. Questionnaires were administered as the main instruments of collecting data from the respondents. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The outcome of the study was anticipated to benefit policy makers, management practitioners, and scholars in the area of strategic management specifically as far as County Treasury projects performance are concerned. A census was adopted to select respondents to participate in the study. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires. Pilot testing was done and research instruments had Cronbach’s alpha values 0.7 and above confirming their reliability. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences version 24 and both descriptive and inferential analysis showed that strategic control role of middle level managers significantly influences Strategic perform of projects in Kakamega County since the null hypothesis was rejected. Its was recommended that county government of Kakamega should improve the level of involvement of every departmental member on strategy formulation and implementation process so as to realize better strategic performance of planned county treasury projects.
Key Word: Strategic Control, Strategic Performance, Treasury Projects
CITATION: Asichi, E. I., & Okello, B. (2019). Role of strategic control on strategic performance of planned treasury projects in the county government of Kakamega. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2235 – 2247.
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