
Poverty remains a crucial development challenge all over the world more so among the underdeveloped countries. The household being the basic and essential unit in analyzing the poverty levels is crucial in any undertaking aimed at reducing poverty levels. When poverty is brought down to low levels at the household, the individual household members become economically empowerment and thus able to influence other spheres of their lives that directly affect them. Research has shown that economically strong households give rise to people with reduced poverty levels. Thus this study aimed at determining the influence of education on empowerment in female-headed households in Bunyala Sub-County. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study was conducted in Bunyala Sub-County in Busia County. The study targeted 384 female headed households that were randomly selected from the four wards forming the Bunyala Sub-county. Data was collected by use of questionnaires. The collected data was then analyzed by use of both inferential and descriptive statistics. The results indicated that education was significant predicator of female headed household empowerment. It was concluded that increased education would result to empowerment of female headed households. The study recommended that there is need to make good use of land through crop farming and livestock production so as to increase household income and food security.

Key Words: Women Empowerment, Education, Poverty Reduction

CITATION: Osinya, A. J., & Juma, D. (2019). Influence of education on empowerment in female-headed households in Bunyala Sub-County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2315 – 2329.

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