This study’s general objective was to examine the influence of project management practices on construction cost control of projects in Mombasa County. The specific objectives were: To examine the influence of project management competencies on construction cost control of projects in Mombasa County; to determine the influence of project planning on construction cost control of projects in Mombasa County; to assess the influence of project monitoring on construction cost control of projects in Mombasa County; and, to evaluate the influence of project technological innovation on construction cost control of projects in Mombasa County. The study was informed by the theory of change, theory of constraints, technological fusion innovation theory, project management competencies theory and control theory. The study targeted the 1,873 NCA registered construction companies in the county, and sampled 138. A modified Likert scale questionnaire was developed and self-administered, while a pilot study was carried out to refine the instrument. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 23. Quantitative data was analyzed using quantitative statistics, while descriptive data was analyzed using descriptive techniques and conclusions made before publishing. The findings of correlation analysis indicated that the project management practices had positively significant relationship with construction cost control. The study, thus, concluded that thoroughness in project management practices enhances cost control by construction organizations in Mombasa County: Perfection in project management competencies, project planning, project monitoring and project technological innovation, being the corner stone are imperative. The study recommended that construction firms adopt and invest in the same. Consequently, management practices, precisely embraced in construction firms, enhance efficiency in construction cost control, hence the delivery, success and performance of projects in Mombasa County.
Key Words: Competencies, Project Planning, Project Monitoring, Technological Innovation, Project Management
CITATION: Ngwai, F. M., Simba, F., & Oyoo, J. J. (2019). Influence of project management practices on construction cost control of projects in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 314 – 330.
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