The study sought to establish if strategic leadership practices generally and leadership strategic direction specifically significantly influence performance of five-star hotels in Nairobi County. Using cross-sectional descriptive survey design, a complete sampling frame consisting all the 10 classified five-star hotels in Nairobi County were investigated. Given that the number of five-star hotels in Nairobi County was small and considering that they were well defined, they were all incorporated in the study. Moreover, using the whole population in the research eliminated any potential bias occurring through any sampling technique. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires for Key informants who included management and employees from each of the hotels. One hundred and ten (110) questionnaires targeting 10 five-star hotels were prepared and dispatched. However, two (2) of the targeted hotels did not participate in the survey. In total, 88 questionnaires were returned. Secondary data was obtained from desk review of journals, books, reports and website sources. With the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20, Frequency tables, charts, graphs and narratives were generated and used to present the findings. Multiple regression analysis was done, and descriptive analysis carried out. This analysis generated the requisite means and standard deviations required for interpreting the results. Moreover, inferential statistics were obtained and used to ascertain if the independent strategic leadership variable significantly influenced organizational performance (depend variable). It was established that leadership strategic direction significantly influenced organizational performance in five-star hotels in Nairobi County. The study recommended that all five-star hotels in Kenya should endeavor to implement strategic leadership strategies among other innovations as such strategies would enable them to favorably compete with other international hotel brands.
Keywords: Strategic leadership practices, Leadership strategic direction, Five-star hotels, Hotel performance
CITATION: Muteti, P. N. (2019). Leadership practices and performance of five star hotels in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 720 – 634.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i3.1341
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