The current study assessed the effects of intergovernmental relations on healthcare provision in Wajir County. Specifically, the study examined the influence of the fiscal, administrative and jurisdictional relations on healthcare provision in Wajir County. Descriptive research design was utilized. Structured and unstructured questionnaires for primary data gathering were emailed to heads of all health institutions in the county as well as director coordinating intergovernmental relations. Journals, books and the internet at the University’s Modern library were used in generating secondary data. Quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed using regression (SPSS v21) and content analysis respectively before presenting outcomes in frequencies and percentage. On fiscal relations, it was established that there was no agreed revenue sharing formula, ambiguous fiscal laws and systems, inability to absorb more funds, delayed funds disbursement, stringent tax collection conditions, borrowing restrictions as well as wastage and lack of prioritization. On administrative relations, there was no consultation on regulation, supervision, controlling, establishment of new government level, boundaries review, amalgamation of government levels and termination of government levels. On jurisdiction relations, there was no comprehensive consultation on legislation of laws creating government levels, government structure, government composition, government financing law, government functions, interdependency laws and laws on inconsistent legislation. For better fiscal relations, there is need for an agreed revenue sharing formula, do away with awkward fiscal laws and systems, county capacity building to absorb more funds, quick funds disbursement, abolish stringent tax collection conditions, lessen borrowing restrictions and partnership to mitigate fraud, wastage and lack prioritization. To improve administrative relations, there is need for consultation between the tires of government on regulation, supervision, controlling, establishment of new government level, boundaries review amalgamation of government levels and termination of government levels. To improve jurisdiction relations, there is need to engage comprehensive consultation on legislation of laws creating government levels, government structure, government composition, government financing law, government functions, interdependency laws and laws on inconsistent legislation.
Key words: Inter-governmental, Relations, Healthcare, Provision, County
CITATION: Yussuf, H. A. (2019). The effect of inter-governmental relations on healthcare provision in Wajir County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 688 – 691
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