The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of Employee Assistance Programs on job satisfaction at Maseno University, Kenya. The specific objectives were to assess the influence of Health Care Practices on Job Satisfaction at Maseno University, to determine the influence of Counseling Services on Job Satisfaction at Maseno University, to establish the influence of Benevolence Support on Job Satisfaction at Maseno University and to determine the influence of Wellness Practices on Job Satisfaction at Maseno University. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population was 1,540 employees. Simple random sampling was adopted for this study. A sample of 154 employees was used where, 154 questionnaires were issued and 114 were returned. The data was analyzed using SPSS and statics measured were the mean and standard deviations. In addition, a frequency distribution table that gave the frequencies and the percentages of scores was also used. A regression analysis was run in SPSS to establish the level and significance of the relationship between employee assistance programs and Job Satisfaction. The results suggested in general that respondents who were staff at Maseno University acknowledged that EAPs programs were at the institution through the four dimensions discussed. The results revealed that three out of the four EAP considered for the study had a positive relationship on job satisfaction with only one, Benevolence, showing a negative relationship. Of the four Hypotheses, only the last one on wellness practices was not supported through the findings since the relationship was statistically significant. This study made conclusions that the satisfaction of an employee at is determinant on the assistance and support provided to them. This study majorly recommended that university management needs to increase their interactions with the employees through staff meetings and discussions on topics related to issues affecting them in the organization.
Key Words: Health Care Practices, Counseling Services, Benevolence Support, Wellness Practices, Job Satisfaction
CITATION Atieno, M. A., & Otsyulah, J. O. (2019). Influence of employee assistance programs on job satisfaction in Maseno University, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 885 – 850
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