Higher education institutions in developing economies are at different stages of adopting ICT for education. For institutions that are in the early stages of the adoption of eLearning there is no clear strategy or framework to implement a working eLearning model. This study set out to understand the models that are appropriate for faculty heads to adopt and influence the implementation of eLearning. The objectives of this research were to determine the participation of stakeholders, evaluate the availability of financial resources, to establish the status of ICT installations at the university to facilitate lecturers and to examine the institutions structure for lecturers and students on the adoption of eLearning at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). The study covered a public university in Kenya with specific focus on the faculty staff at three JKUAT campuses in Nairobi. The study also reviewed the literature on the subject on different and similar context to explain the significance of the study. There were four theories that explained the various influences of the determinants on the adoption of eLearning. The relation of variables of the research was outlined and the key indicators for the study highlighted. A sample of 100 staff and stakeholders were selected and used for the study using simple random sampling procedure that made 10% of the total population. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data on faculty lecturers, students and technical staff to which distinct variables measuring the stakeholder’s participation, financial allocation by the institution, ICT infrastructure capacity and level of the institution support to determine their influence on eLearning adoption. The data collected was processed and analyzed using SPSS statistical package version 21. The analysis showed that stakeholder participation had the highest Pearson correlation coefficient (.666) whereas financial resources, ICT infrastructure and organization structure had the positive (Pearson correlation coefficient =.543; .658 and .504) influence on adoption of e-learning. The most significant influence was identified to be the stakeholder’s participation and financial resources. The study recommends that the stakeholder capacity building effort should be emphasized to improve expertise and an increase in financial resource for ICT investments is critical for success of ELearning adoption.
Key Words: Adoption, E-learningFull Text:
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