The study examined the relationship between interactional justice and employee attitude of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. The study adopted a cross sectional survey research design that solicited responses from employees of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. Primary data was collected using self-administered questionnaire. The population of the study comprised 202 employees from 18 Deposit Money Banks operational in Rivers State. A sample size of 134 was determined using the Taro Yamen sample size formula. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman Rank Order Correlation with the aid of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 23.0. The study findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between interactional justice and all the measures of employee attitude of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. The study concluded that interactional justice bears a significant influence on employee attitude of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. The study recommended that Deposit Money Banks should promote interactional justice. Interactional justice should therefore be promoted through treatment of employees with politeness, respect and dignity by their supervisors and other organizational leaders. This way, organizations will not only benefit from a committed workforce, but also improve employee relations and thereby minimize the consequences of retributive justice emanating from employee workplace deviance actions.
Keywords: Interactional Justice, Job Satisfaction, Job Commitment, Employee Engagement
CITATION: Ohiosimuan, A. E. (2019). Interactional justice and employee attitude of deposit money bank in Rivers State, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1633 – 1644.
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