Universities are faced with crucial issues of dealing with the perception that staff have regarding support they get from their employers. Academic staffs perceive that universities are reluctant in supporting them in achieving their goals. The criteria used by universities in supporting staff may not be clear, this discourages competent staff reducing their commitment and hence decline in performance. The main objective of this research was to investigate the influence of work-life balance on perceived organization support among academic staff in public universities in Kenya. The study was supported by the social exchange theory and human capital theory. It was guided by pragmatism philosophy and used mixed methods approach design. The target population was 5957 academic staff in public universities in Kenya. A sample of 374 academic staff was selected for the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data from academic staff and interview guide from Administration Registrars. Likert scale was used to examine how strongly subjects agree or disagree with statements on a 5 point scale. Stratified random sampling was used to select respondents. A pilot study on their use was conducted to establish their validity. Data was analyzed by use of content analysis for qualitative data and through multiple regression and Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation analysis for quantitative information and was presented in tables and figures. The finding obtained showed that both work family support and flexible working hours indicated that the influence of work-life balance on perceived organization support was positive and fairly significant (r=0.452**, p=0.000). The study was relevant to the management of universities, academic staffs, the public and the Government. It will contribute to knowledge and assist for further research.
Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Flexibility, Perceived Organization Support, Public Universities
CITATION: Makori, E. M., Mbithi, M. Z., & Amuhaya, I. M. (2019). Influence of work-life balance on perceived organization support among academic staff in public universities in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1691 – 1705.
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