The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between operations sensitivity and strategic alliance success in manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The research design adopted in this study was the cross-sectional survey design. The data used were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The primary source involved the distribution of questionnaire to a selected number of employees. Thus, the population of workers in these firms amounted to 127. Secondary sources used included journals, project materials, books, internet materials, etc. considering the enormity of the task and the large population size of the study, the researcher adopted the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table, thus, a total 97 randomly selected workers. The researcher further used the proportionate sampling method (22.30%) of each firm’s population of workers to arrive at an appropriate sample size for each of the firm. A total of 97 copies of the questionnaire were administered to the respondents. The reliability of the instrument gave a correlation coefficient index of 0.80 which was considered very reliable using the Cronbach’s Alpha. Simple tables, means and grand means were used to analyze the research questions. The research questions were based on a five-point likert scale. The hypotheses were tested at a significance level of 0.05 using the rho analytical tool with the aid of SPSS. The findings of the study revealed that: There is a positive and strong relationship between dimension of operations sensitivity and the measures of strategic alliance success such as partner computability and partner complementarity. Therefore, based on the findings of the study, the practice of operations sensitivity should be demonstrated and every worker made to imbibe it since it has the ability to enable workers to have system-wide knowledge to detect and prevent error. Organization should ensure that strategic alliance is necessary to uphold the necessary practices that are beneficial to the complimentary partners of the organizations.
Keywords: Operations Sensitivity, Strategic Alliance Success, Partners Compatibility, Partners Complementarity, Partners Commitment
CITATION: Ejekwu, K., Zeb-Obipi, I., & Uhuru, G. P. (2020). Operations sensitivity and strategic alliance success in Nigerian manufacturing companies Port Harcourt. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 495 – 504.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i1.1545
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