
Although supportive leadership produces a genuine relationship between leaders and employees, resulting in higher employee job satisfaction and lower employee turnover intention (Pradhan & Pradhan, 2015), employees may perceive that many factors contribute to negative attitudes at work that increase turnover intention. Many researchers have established that uncivil behavior, toxic leadership, bullying and mobbing increases disengagement and absenteeism and negatively influence the leader-follower dyad and organizational performance. Narcissistic leaders have both positive and negative behavioral traits associated with them, which can be both prominent and damaging to the employees’ perceptions of their relationship with their managers, ultimately influencing their intent to stay or leave their job. Retaining skilled employees is essential for an organization’s success, but research has been mainly conducted through the lens of the supervisor instead of the employee. Based on the theoretical foundation of the leader-member exchange theory (LMX), the purpose of this literature review was to examine the relationship between the employees’ perceptions of supervisor support [PSS] and narcissistic leadership [NL]) on employee turnover intention [TI]. Managers and employees may use the information to improve employee professional development, promote safe and healthy workplaces, improve employee retention, and improve the collaboration of the leader-employee relationships, thus contributing to positive social change.

Keywords: Supervisor Support, Narcissistic Leadership, Turnover Intention

CITATION: Disque, N. A., Ph.D. (2020). Employee perceived supervisor support, narcissistic leadership and employee turnover intention: A literature review.  The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(2), 426 – 455.

Full Text:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i2.1639


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