The masculine language ascribed to God and image of God seems to be linked to the exclusion of women from senior church leadership in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. The Study explored the theological and hermeneutical principles that have influenced the Church to marginalize women from leadership. The study was guided by the following objectives; exploring the reasons for the exclusion of women from senior leadership in PCEA, determining the link between masculine images about God and its impact on the female leadership in the church, analyzing how biblical and theological hermeneutical principles have affected women leadership in the church and proposing a hermeneutical methodology of inclusion for all in the leadership of PCEA. The dissertation applied the hermeneutical approach to the understanding of masculine language refereed to God and its influence on the women leadership in the PCEA. The dissertation made three observations on the question of the exclusion of women from senior leadership. First, the long-time practice of excluding women from senior leadership are attributed to foundation of the church and the language of elder which is masculine in the traditional culture, associating God with maleness and not a woman. Second, the process of election is influenced much by male figures with powers to determine the outcomes. Thirdly, women are seen and said to be busy with domestic chores thus should not be given positions and if given, they should be of lower profile as realized in cultural biasness which sees female from a cultural point of view as a home manager and domestic caretaker who should not be involved in external matters.
Keywords: Women Leadership, God’s Image, Masculinity, PCEA
CITATION: Kairu, J. W. (2020). Masculine images of God and leadership in Presbyterian Church Of East Africa (PCEA). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(2), 513 – 544.
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