Distribution of text books to public secondary school in Kenya has been facing many challenges since 2017, the reason being the government took direct supervisory role on how public schools could be supplied with text books. The Government of Kenya directly selected publishers through governmental controlled program which was a departure from the free market dispensation procurement norms. Text books have to be delivered to schools as directed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development which acts on behalf of the Central government without the input of consumer stakeholders who are the teachers of schools. This necessitated for the study of effects of Quality Specification Practices on Effective Distribution of text books to public secondary schools of County Government of Vihiga; Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design on a population target of all public secondary schools of the County Government of Vihiga, which was considered to be a representative for the purpose of the study. Data collection was done through structured questionnaires. Analysis of data of the study was done by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 22). Descriptive and inferential contents of the study inclusive of; frequencies, percentages and means, correlations and regression analysis were determined by the use statistical package. The results indicated Quality Specification Practice being significantly positive with Effective Distribution of textbooks. Hence the National and County Governments should encourage public procurement practices and disposal regulations in Public schools, since it improves on efficiency and effectiveness on Effective Distribution.
Key words; Quality Specification Practices, Effective Distribution
CITATION: Munialo, C. J., & Mukanzi, C. M. (2020). Effects of procurement management practices on effective distribution of text books to public secondary schools, Vihiga County; Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 847 – 856.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i3.1711
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