Throughout the years' leadership has become a critical component in the management of organizations in the present day. The type of leadership style has become a focal point to organizations. This study, hence, tried to determine the influence of individualized transformational leadership on organizational performance. The investigation concentrated on one accompanying objective which was to determine the influence of individualized consideration on organizational performance of Sacco’s. The research design that was embraced in the investigation was descriptive research design. A sample size of 49 respondents was inspected out of a population of 160 within the selected Sacco’s in Kiambu Town. Primary data was gathered using a questionnaire. The analysis included descriptive statistics and inferential examination conducted through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The study established that individualized consideration had a strong positive relationship and significant influence on performance of Sacco’s. The study revealed that individualized transformational leadership had a positive impact on organizational performance. Individualized consideration was found to be vital in driving organizations towards the achievement of the underlined objectives by promoting working environments that accords followers support from their leaders and builds personal strengths translating to improved outcomes. Thereby, the study concluded that, it is equally important for the organizations to consider the need for individualized consideration of all parties as it leads to the promotion of diversity which in turn creates powerful teams since each party is given tasks based on personal skills, hence performance achievement.
Key words: Transformational Leadership, Individualized Consideration, Organizational Performance
CITATION: Mwaniki, F. N., Muhoho, J., & Njoroge, J. (2020). Influence of individualized transformational leadership on organizational performance of selected SACCO’s in Kiambu Town. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 960 – 972.
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