Sugar Companies in Western Kenya have encountered performance challenges in terms of both in financial and human resource as tools for production. These companies have been overwhelmed with under-production of a core product which is sugar that leads to importations of sugar while there are factories to produce enough for local and foreign consumption. Such challenges necessitates for any concerned stakeholder to be eager to know the reasons behind the state of underproduction. This gave rise to this study with the specific objectives being; to establish the influence of Individual Consideration on Performance of Sugar Companies in Western Kenya. The study sample was selected using simple random technique where each organization had equal chance of participating. Data collection was through structured questionnaires. The analysis was done quantitatively. The results of the study indicated that idealized influence had a significant influence on the performance of sugar firms in Western Kenya. The study recommended for companies to embrace the use of transformation leadership Practices for success and development.
Key Words: Individualized Consideration, Transformational Leadership, Organizational Performance
CITATION: Adega, A. A., & Miroga, J. (2020). Influence of individual consideration on performance of sugar companies in Western Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1497 – 1507.
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