This study sought to examine the effect of strategy implementation performance of NHIF in Kenya. The study specifically sought to: determine the effect of organizational leadership on performance of NHIF in Kenya; establish the effect of organizational structure on performance of NHIF in Kenya; evaluate the effect of organizational culture on performance of NHIF in Kenya and to establish the effect of organizational communication on performance of NHIF in Kenya. The study was guided by the following theories; Resource Based View Theory, Situational Leadership Theory and the Behavioral Theory of the firm. The study applied a descriptive research design and the target population was 110 employees of national hospital insurance fund NHIF. To select a sample size of 88 respondents, the study used stratified sampling technique. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data. Pilot test was performed to test questionnaire reliability and validity. Data analysis method for descriptive statistics was used to analyze data supported by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to calculate frequencies, percentage mean and standard results of deviation. Multiple Linear Regression model was used to determine the meaning of the dependent variable independent variables. The study findings revealed that organisation structure, organisational culture and communication had positive and significant effect on performance of NHIF in Kenya. On the other hand organisational leadership was found to have an insignificant effect on performance of NHIF in Kenya. This study concluded that strategy implementation factors which include organisation structure, organisation culture and communication play a significant role in firm performance. The study recommended that management of organisation should emphasize on strategy implementation in order to improve the performance of their organisations.
Key Word: organizational leadership, organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational communication, Performance
CITATION: Simiyu, B. M., & Kilikam, J. (2020). Strategy implementation and organizational performance. A case study of National Hospital Insurance Fund in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 436 – 449.
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