This study established the determinants of public procurement in tertiary institutions in Kenya with a specialized focus of Kenya Medical Training College. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study’s target population was 285 heads of procurement, finance officers and their assistants at KMTC. Size of the sample constituted 166 respondents who were selected with the help of a stratified random sampling approach. The study used primary sources of data that was collected using semi-structured questionnaires having both open-ended and closed questions. Data was analyzed using quantitative analysis methods namely, descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Under descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation were utilized to summarize the pattern of variables while regression analysis was utilized to test hypothesis and associations between variables. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was utilized for data analysis. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The study found that information technology, procurement planning and staff competence were significantly linked to performance. However, political influence was insignificantly linked to procurement performance. The coefficient of determination was satisfactory (56.3%) and overall regression model significant since its p-value was below 5% (0.000). Correlation results established that information technology and procurement planning were strongly correlated to procurement performance while staff competence and political influence were moderately and weakly correlated to procurement performance. The study recommended the need to continue investing in technological innovations and integrating procurement systems. These technologies should be integrated with business processes and supply chain channels to lower cost and enhance efficiency. There is need for public organizations to sponsor their staff for development and training programs to improve their skills and boost their efficiency and creativity in their work. Also, public organizations should institute plans to ensure that funds for procurement can be channeled through effective methods that facilitate efficient delivery of goods, services and works.
Key Words: Procurement Planning, Information Technology, Politics, Staff Competence, Public Procurement
CITATION: Ngari, J. N., & Machoka, P. (2020). Determinants of public procurement in tertiary institutions in Kenya: A case study of The Kenya Medical Training College. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 645 – 663.
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