This study investigated the influence that employee engagement has on the overall organizational performance particularly in Kenyan State Corporations. This study used descriptive survey design. This study targeted 499 respondents, including 62 top level management, 106 middle level management and 331 lower level staff in Post bank, Kenya railways and Nzoia Sugar. Stratified random sampling was used to select 15 top level management, 25 middle level management and 79 lower level staff resulting to a total sample size of 119 respondents. Secondary data was obtained from the three State Corporations publications that touched on employee engagement and performance. Questionnaires used in the survey formed the primary data and it was analyzed by use of Statistical Packages for Social Science version 23. Multiple regression analysis was done to test the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study found out that job satisfaction positively increases the performance of the organization. Nevertheless the employees were not satisfied with their job. They did not get a chance to do different things from time to time and had no chance to be "somebody" in the community. Employees were not able to do things that don’t go against their conscience, this indicated that they were not satisfied and this affected the organization performance. It was found out that employee’s relations influenced organization performance. There was need to have an open communication from the management since it was noted to be missing. The employees input were not recognized in all levels of management and there was no constant feedback from the leaders about the progress. There should be enhancement of positive attitude expressed by their fellow employees. It was found out that employees did not feel themselves to be a part of the organization and they were not quite proud to be able to tell people about their company. They did not think that the offer of a little more money with another company would not seriously make them think of changing jobs and they would not recommend a close friend to join the companies. The organization did not identify and define training needs and there was no defining of the learning required in terms of what skills and knowledge. The organizations did not define the objectives of the training there were no planning of training programs to meet the needs and objectives by using right combination for training techniques and locations.
Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Employee Relations, Employee Commitment, Training
CITATION: Chepkwony, E. C., & Omwenga, E. (2020). Influence of employee engagement on organizational performance in state corporations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1037 – 1053.
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