Factors Influencing Performance of Women-Owned Micro and Small Enterprises in Nairobi County in Kenya

Brenda Kerubo Koech, Gregory Namusonge


This study sought to establish the factors that have an influence on the performance of women owned micro and small enterprises in Nairobi County. The study primary data was collected using questionnaires through random sampling technique while secondary data was from literature of previous studies. The study covered a sample of 30 drawn from study population of Kamukunji, Kibera, Gikomba and Kangemi markets Nairobi. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive (mean, percentages and frequencies).  Findings of the study were presented in pie charts, bar graphs and frequency tables. The study achieved a response rate of 76.67%. The study revealed that individual characteristics of the entrepreneurs, motivation and goals to start and run the enterprises, the networks affiliations, entrepreneurial orientation of the respondents as well as the management styles of the entrepreneurs had an influence on the business performance of the MSEs. The findings will provide feedback to the government and other stakeholders to help them come up with strategies for improving and enhancing performance in women owned enterprises

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.187


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