The objective of this study was to establish the effect of project management practices on performance of public housing construction projects in Kenya, a case study of Mombasa County. Descriptive survey design was adopted in this study. Fisher formula was used to select the study sample size of 116 from a target population of 164. The primary data for this study was collected using closed structured questionnaires. The collected data was examined and checked for completeness and comprehensibility and tabulated. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics, spearman correlation and regression coefficient. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 was used to analyse the data. The findings indicated that there was a strong positive and significant correlation between project planning and performance of public housing construction projects; between project team competence and performance of public housing construction; between project funding and performance of public housing construction projects; between project risk planning and performance of public housing construction projects). In general, the results revealed that project planning, project team competence, project funding and project risk planning have significant and positive effects on performance of public housing construction projects in Kenya. The study concluded that adhering to project planning practices in construction projects is paramount to a projects success and involvement of all stakeholders in project planning contributes to the project’s success. The level of experience of the project team determines successful project implementation. Project funding plays a significant role in performance of public housing construction projects. The study recommended that public housing construction projects must ensure that adequate plans and resources exist to recruit, motivate, train and develop employees; Key risk management skills are needed to hedge projects against uncertainties such as resource shortage, contractors’ inability to meet completion dates and other risks like design and contract variations. Effective communication structures in project organizations are essential to meet the project triple constraints of time, cost and quality. Ensure that project teams have the necessary project management skills such as planning, communication, risk management, monitoring and control and sufficient funding so as to cushion the project against failure.
Key Words: Project Planning, Project Team Competence, Project Funding, Project Risk Planning
CITATION: Mwakio, S., Oyoo, J. J., Onyiego, G. (2020). Effect of project management practices on performance of public housing construction projects in Kenya: A case study of Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1547 – 1566.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i4.1882
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