The study was to determine the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on growth performance in women owned small and microenterprises in Murang’a County. Specific focus was on women owned enterprises dealing with the line of clothing and wear. Descriptive research design was used. Stratified random sampling method was used while Questionnaires were used to collect data and observation sheet used to confirm the pertinent activities in the enterprises. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. For Inferential statistics, Chi-square test was used. The study found out that the capacity of leadership to spur enterprise growth was evident. However, there was disparity on the ability of the entrepreneurs to exercise entrepreneurial leadership to the extent of infusing growth in their enterprises. The skills levels of the women entrepreneurs were wanting in many areas, most profound was financial literacy and the credit management ability. It had negative implications on the growth performance of most of the women owned enterprises.
The study recommended that women entrepreneurs should be sensitized on the need to always engage their employees in dialogue as regards aspects of managing their enterprises as a measure of ensuring sustained growth. The women owned enterprises should strive to change and upgrade their products and services in line with changing market trends. Business training for the entrepreneurs as regards risk mitigation and opportunity spotting should be done. Training and skills provision in the lines of accounting and basic book keeping should be availed for the women enterprises.
KEYWORDS: women enterprise, Small and Microenterprise (SMEs) or Micro and Small enterprise Entrepreneurship
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