This research intended to establish the influence of entrepreneurial values on growth of Food Processing enterprises in Nairobi County in Kenya. The study sought to find out the role played by being proactive, Risk taker, and Competitor aggressor and willingness to innovate. The main research question was how these businesses used the entrepreneurial values to develop themselves and overcome stiff competition. The study employed a case study research design where information was solicited mainly using self-administered questionnaires, evaluation of existing records and face-to-face interview guides. Respondents for the self-administered questionnaires were picked through stratified sampling. From each stratum or group, a random sample was selected. Purposive sampling was employed for key informants who were subjected to face-to-face interviews. The data used in the study was obtained from both primary and secondary data. The outcome of this study was presented through frequency distribution charts, graphs and tables with narrations for all. The information collected from this study was beneficial to the all enterprises as well as other organisations such as universities, consultancy firms, and other research firms. The study found that innovativeness positively and significantly influences growth of Family owned food processing companies; risk taking positively and significantly influences growth of Family owned food processing companies; pro-activeness positively and significantly influences growth of Family owned food processing companies and competitive advantage positively and significantly influences growth of Family owned food processing companies. The study therefore recommended family owned businesses to increase their acceptance of innovation; this is by implementing new ideas and products as well as services based on the changing customer and market trends; they should also embrace new technology. Management of family owned businesses should develop long term objectives for their companies; ones that can guide the company in realising their mission and vision.
Key Words: Innovation, Risk Taking, Pro-Activeness, Competitive Advantage
CITATION Obiero, S. A., & Nyangau S. P. (2021). Entrepreneurial values and growth of food processing small and medium enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 248 – 264.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i1.1910
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