This study investigated the influence of inventory management practices on procurement performance of judiciary; A case of Law Courts in Kakamega County. The specific objectives were; to determine the influence of Just in Time inventory management practices on procurement performance of Judiciary in Kenya; investigate the influence of vendor managed inventory management practices on procurement performance of Judiciary in Kenya and establish the influence of economic order quantity inventory management practices on procurement performance of Judiciary in Kenya. The study was guided by Theory of Supply Chain Constraints, lean theory and economic order quantity theory. Correlational research design was applied. The study targeted 71 respondents from four law courts in Kakamega County; Butali, Butere, Mumias and Kakamega Law Courts. Census sampling techniques was adopted. Primary data was collected using self-administered structured questionnaire. Pilot study was conducted in Bungoma Law courts to establish validity and reliability of research instruments. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis summarized data in form of central tendency as well as dispersion and inferential analysis was used to test hypothesis at a significance level of 0.05. Descriptive analysis included; frequencies, Mean, Standard deviation and percentage while inferential analysis involved correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The study established that Just in Time inventory management practices, vendor managed inventory management and economic order quantity inventory management practices influenced procurement performance of the law courts in Kakamega County. The study concluded that inventory management practices influenced procurement performance of judiciary. The study recommended that the Judiciary should use Just in Time inventory management to reduce the stock and the carrying cost associated in the organization. Further, Judiciary should adopt Economic Order Quantity in order to know the quantity of stock to order at any given time and the Judiciary should also use Vendor Managed Inventory to allow flexibility of the user demand.
Key Words: Just In Time, Vendor Managed, Economic Order Quantity, Inventory Management
CITATION: Nyawanga, F. K., & Otinga, H. (2021). Influence of inventory management practices on procurement performance of judiciary; A case of law courts in Kakamega County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 364 – 383.
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