The study examined the relationship between diversity management and organizational performance of 3-star hotels in South-South, Nigeria. The study categorized diversity management into surface-level diversity and deep-level diversity and investigated these two dimensions. The target population of the study consisted of all the 3-star hotels in South-South Nigeria registered with the Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation given as 60 hotels. The sample frame consisted of the managerial/ administrative staff of the hotels and five of them were selected from each of the 60 hotels in the South-South giving a total of 300 managers. The data for the study were generated using structured questionnaire. Also, the hypotheses were tested using use of inferential statistical tools of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) and t-test through the help of SPSS 22.0. The study found that understanding and managing diversity plays a significant role in enhancing organisational performance. The study concluded that surface-level diversity has a positive and significant relationship with the productivity of 3-star hotels in South-South, Nigeria; deep-level diversity has a positive and significant relationship with the productivity of 3-star hotels in South-South, Nigeria; surface-level diversity has a positive and significant relationship with the growth of 3-star hotels in South-South, Nigeria; and deep-level diversity has a positive and significant relationship with the growth of 3-star hotels in South-South, Nigeria. Therefore, the study recommended that it is important that effective workplace strategies and policies be designed, implemented and monitored, in order not only to eliminate discrimination but also to support a more diverse workforce.
Keywords: Diversity, Management, surface-level diversity, deep-level diversity, Organizational Performance, Workforce
CITATION: Tamunomiebi, D. M., & Onyeche, C. N. (2021). Diversity management and organisational performance of 3-star hotels in South-South, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 511 – 530.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i1.1929
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