This study sought to establish the effect of supply chain collaboration, supplier development, supplier selection and evaluation on supply chain performance in the County Assembly of Vihiga, Kenya. The grey theory, agency theory and network were used to support the inquiry. With adoption of descriptive design, the study targeted 82 respondents comprising of supply chain officers, accountants and finance officers from County Assembly of Vihiga. Census sampling was used and thus 82 respondents were included in the study. The views of the respondents were gathered with aid of the questionnaire that was close-ended. There was piloting of the questionnaire prior to actual data collection to ensure that it was valid and reliable. It was SPSS tool that helped in processing the gathered views from the respondents with aid of means, standard deviation, correlation and regression analysis. Both figures and tables helped in presentation of the finding. Descriptive results indicated supplier sourcing, supplier development and supplier segmentation were moderately practiced in the County Assembly of Vihiga. Inferential analysis revealed that supplier relationship management significantly explained more than half of the variation in supply chain performance. Supplier sourcing has the greatest positive significant influence on supply chain performance, followed by supplier development and lastly supplier segmentation had the least significant influence on supply chain performance of the County Assembly of Vihiga. The study concluded that supplier relationship management significantly influenced supply chain performance in the County Assembly of Vihiga. The study recommended that when making supplier relationship management decisions aimed at optimizing supply chain performance, the supply chain managers should place more emphasis on segmenting of suppliers on the basis of a distinct set of criteria to understand their expertise, strength and flexibility. The study also study recommended that the supply chain managers and the procurement managers in the County Assembly should optimize and improve on their supplier sourcing criteria so as to maximize their supply chain performance. The criteria to be considered include pricing structure, certification and necessary approvals.
Key Words: Supply Chain Collaboration, Supplier Development, Supplier Selection, Evaluation
CITATION: Ojiambo, G. N., Miroga, J., & Otinga, H. (2021). Influence of supplier relationship management on supply chain performance in the county assembly of Vihiga, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 674 – 691.
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