Planning effectively is a vital process that ensures performance of projects in any institutions; (Public or Private) are achieved within scheduled time, scope and the cost. The research aimed at studying the contribution of planning to the project performance in public institutions. The main objective was to assess the contribution of planning to the project performance in public institutions and specific objectives were the following: to establish the importance of planning to the project performance of establishment of a Frequency Spectrum Management and monitoring system project in Rwanda, to examine elements of planning to the project performance of establishment of a Frequency Spectrum Management and monitoring system project in Rwanda, and to establish necessary conditions for project performance in establishment of a Frequency Spectrum Management and monitoring system. The researcher used causal research design. Target population comprised of 145 respondents from Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority. The study used a sample size of 106 employees achieved by using Yamane formula. The study adopted simple random sampling techniques. The researcher also used structured questionnaire to collect the data. The instrument was tested and pre-tested to ensure validity and reliability. In the data analysis, researcher used tables and figures to show the importance of planning to the project performance, elements of planning to the project performance. The study used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS V. 21) to analyze the data. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mode, median, mean, standard deviation. Multiple regression analysis was employed to determine relationship between planning and project performance. Data was presented in tables, charts, figures and mathematical expressions. From the findings it was revealed that holding setting objectives, targets and key performance indicators, Coordination of activities and Mobilization of resources to a constant zero, project performance would be at 0.45. A unit increase on Setting objectives, targets and key performance indicators would lead to increase in project performance by a factor of 0.183, a unit increase in Coordination of activities would lead to increase in project performance by a factor of 0.223, and a unit increase in Mobilization of resources would lead to increase in project performance by a factor of 0.144. The study concluded that all the independent variables (Setting objectives, targets and key performance indicators, Coordination of activities and Mobilization of resources) in the study influences projects performance (dependent variable). The relationship was confirmed through correlation and regression analysis which revealed that there was a positive significant linear relationship between planning and projects performance. Therefore, the study concluded that planning practices influences project performance. The study recommended that human resource aspects such as staff entrusted with monitoring and evaluation should have technical skills, staff working on monitoring and evaluation should be dedicated to the function, roles and responsibilities of monitoring and evaluation personnel need to be specified at the start of the projects. Future research can be carried in other industries or sectors and countries in order to show if the link between planning practices and project performance can be generalized.
Keywords: Planning, Project performance, Frequency Spectrum Management and monitoring system, Rwanda.
CITATION: Tuyishime, A. C., & Nyambane, D. (2021). Planning and project performance in public institutions in Rwanda. A case of establishment of a Frequency Spectrum Management and monitoring system project in Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 780 – 790.
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