This study focused on the relationship between diversity management and employees performance in selected MDAs in Bauchi State. The study used a cross sectional design and the population of the study was drawn from the Treasury office with a staff strength of five hundred and ninety four (594) and the Board of Internal revenue with a staff strength of two hundred and eighty five (285). A sample size of 269 was adopted through the Krejcie and Morgan table and the simple random technique was used. After data cleaning, only data of 245 respondents were finally used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Empirical results confirmed that there is a positive significant relationship between diversity management and employee performance and all the dimensions of diversity management (gender and age) and employee performance. The study concluded that diversity management has a positive and significant relationship with employee performance. The study recommended that MDAs should avoid gender bias as studies had also shown that female gender when recognized ends up put a lot of effort to justify the confidence reposed on them. The MDAs should focus its recruitment drive on the younger class of employees as well as channel its effort to transfer knowledge on the younger employees as this would motivate them to put their best energies into the growth of the organization.
Keywords: Age, Diversity Management, Employee Performance, Gender
CITATION: Hamisu, A. T., Zakari, F., Ahmad, O. A., &Olaniyi, O. A. (2021). Diversity management and employee’s performance in selected ministries, departments and agencies, MDAs in Bauchi State, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 126 – 138.
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