This study identified the effects that e-procurement on the bank performances in Mombasa County. The study further determined the effects of e-catalogues, e-payment, e-marketing and e-sourcing towards the performances of banks. The theories that supported this research were; electronic procurement strategy adoption theory, e-procurement adoption theory, Michael Porters five forces of competitive theory, Business to Business theory and RBV (Resource Based View Theory). The study employed descriptive and inferential research design methods. The target population for the study was 148 bank employees in the branches from corresponding departments. The sample size was 108 which was arrived at by using Cronbach’s Alpha formula from the target population. The study adopted quantitative research design. Data collection was done using questionnaire method. The researcher used pilot testing of 10% to discover the reliability and validity for the results for the study. Regression analysis and Pearson correlation which was employed during analysis of data, aided in producing the data analysis and interpretation. Data was analyzed by using statistical packaging social sciences version 22. Data presentation was done through frequency distribution of tables. From the findings the independent variables e-catalogues has effect on performances of banks especially because it effectively provides higher accessibility of information on products as respondents showed through the questionnaires. E-markets happened to have impact as they helped in accessing multiple markets especially from various offers of the same product. More so, e-payment and e-sourcing seem to impact more on the performances of banks. The study further recommended future studies on the effect of e-procurement using other research designs such as correlational or experimental research designs to help in finding in-depth investigation of the effect and evolutionary use of e-procurement in the banking sector and other industries as it was seen that the research only covered 62.6% of independent variables of the research. The study also recommended that the users’ management and policy makers in the banking industry should focus on accepting alterations from the evolutionary e-procurement and its implementation in the future to further achieve top notch performances.
Key Words: e-catalogues, e-payment, e-marketing, e-sourcing
CITATION: Chilumo, L. U. R., & Kitheka, S . (2021). e-procurement and performance of commercial banks in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 697 – 717.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i3.2056
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