Succession planning is advanced as key to identifying critical positions within the organization and developing strategies for individuals to take up the positions for competitiveness. State corporations in Kenya are designated to promote national development and effectual service delivery to the citizens. However, effective succession planning remains a key challenge in state corporations. The study was guided by two objectives including: to establish how human resource strategy influenced succession planning in regulatory state corporations in Kenya, and ultimately, to determine how the organization culture influenced succession planning in regulatory state corporations in Kenya. A Census method was adopted for all the 26 regulatory state corporations where the study focused on a human resource manager and one person heading each unit in regulatory state corporations in Kenya totaling to 52 respondents. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and simple regression analysis were deployed in analysis. The findings revealed that organizational culture together with human resource strategy had a significant influence on succession planning. It was therefore recommended that effective succession planning should incorporate both a viable human resource strategy and a progressive organizational culture.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Human Resource Strategy, Succession Planning
CITATION: Ndirangu, A. S., Nzulwa, J., & Omwenga, E. (2021). Factors influencing succession planning in regulatory state corporations, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 968 – 983.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i3.2066
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