
The small medium enterprises (SME) plays an important role in availing goods and services, poverty easing, enhancing competition, promoting innovation and breeding employment among other influences in economies around the world. Due to its significant role, diverse initiatives aimed at supporting and sustaining the growth of SMEs have been put in place. Despite these initiatives, the growth of the SME businesses is still challenged and the rate of failure still high with close to half a million small enterprises not getting to celebrate their second anniversary (KNBS, 2016). Therefore, SMEs’ own initiatives are needed to supplement the already existing private sector and government’s initiative in an effort to grow their businesses. One such initiative is progress measurement. This study established the influence of financial progress measurement on the growth of SME businesses in Machakos County. A structured questionnaire was physically distributed to SMEs across Machakos County. 289 respondents were randomly selected from a list of registered businesses acquired from the ministry of trade and cooperatives in Machakos County and asked to fill in a structured questionnaire. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics for normality tests and regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables. The results suggested that, financial progress measurement influences the growth of SME businesses. The findings of this study showed that, SMEs measure their financial performance all year round revealing high performance ratings for SME businesses.  The study also found out that successful financial performance in SMEs has a positive association with the ability to manage financial issues effectively. 

Key Words: SMEs, Financial Progress Measurement  


CITATION: Gitari, K. J., Gichunge, E., & Rintari, A. (2021). Influence of financial progress measurement on the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Machakos County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 997 – 1007.

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