The main objective of the study was to investigate the influence of accounting information on management decision-making among Catholic religious communities in Karen, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to assess the impact of accounting systems put in place on decision-making among Catholic religious communities; to examine the basis of accounting information preparation on management decision-making among Catholic religious communities; to assess the use of accounting information on management decision-making among Catholic religious communities; to explore how accounting information communication strategies, affect decision-making among Catholic religious communities in Karen sub-county, Kenya. This was a quantitative study with a descriptive research design. The target population was Religious male and female organizations. The sample size was 169 members from five Catholic religious communities drawn using a stratified sampling technique. Fisher’s formula was adopted to determine the sample size for this study. The researcher used descriptive analysis to analyze the quantitative data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and presented in form of tables, graphs, frequencies, and percentages. A questionnaire on accounting information and financial decision-making was specially prepared based on relevant literature on the study with consideration of some expert opinions. The findings revealed that the organization employed professional accountant that understands the organization's financial situation, have knowledge of modern techniques to be used as the basis for making decision. The study also found that accounting information system leads to good financial reports and also leading to better decision-making. However, the study revealed that majority of the participants are not professional accountants but have little knowledge of accounting information and management, hence the need for religious male and female to develop themselves by becoming professionals in their chosen career, this will affect the organization to grow positively. The study concluded that accounting information had adequate comparability, reliability, and relevance on account management decision making among religious organization in Karen, Kenya.
Keywords- Accounting Information, Apostolic life, Budgeting, Decision-making, Religious Profession
CITATION: Ignatius, R. N., Githui, T., & Gathaiya, R. (2021). Influence of accounting information on management decision-making among catholic religious communities in Karen Sub-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 1029 – 1038.
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