This study examined the effect of strategic responses on organizational performance in NCWSC. The research deployed descriptive cross-sectional study design. The study population was 146 employees in the regional offices. Primary as well as secondary data helped to provide necessary information for this study. Semi structured questionnaires further was administered to participants to facilitate collection of primary data. The study findings would be of benefit to the management of NCWSC to devise strategic responses to improve efficiency in service delivery, customer satisfaction, revenue collection and water volume. To the Kenyan government and to the policy makers this research gave information which they can use to gauge whether the formulated policies have brought achievements in the water sector. To other researchers, scholars and academicians the study provided information on strategic responses on organizational performance that can be used as research material and identification of research gaps. The study found that operational conformance has a strong and positive effect on organizational performance in NCWSC (r=0. 918, p-value =0.000). Additionally, the study found that resource mobilization has positive as well as significant effect on organizational performance in NCWSC (r=0.944, p-value =0.000). Further, the study found that outsourcing has significant positive effect on organizational performance within NCWSC (r=0. 979, p-value =0.000). The research also found that advanced IT has significant positive significant effect on organizational performance within NCWSC (r=0.858, p-value =0.000). This study hence recommended adoption of strategic responses by NCWSC to maximize mobilization of resources, minimize water wastage and improve the overall organizational performance of the company. In addition, the top management in NCWSC should involve employees in making decisions relating to pricing of water and on how to promote services that will improve on return on investment.
Key Words: Operational Conformance, Resource Mobilization, Outsourcing, Advanced IT
CITATION: Malului, G. M., & Kimencu, L. (2021). Strategic responses and organizational performance of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 265 – 287.
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