The purpose of this study was to investigate the talent management and employee performance at Oceanfreight {EA} Ltd which is a shipping agency for Mediterranean Shipping Company. The research specific objectives were to determine the effect of talent attraction, talent deployment, talent development and talent retention on employee performance. The study was guided by Human capital theory, Resource-based view theory, and Person -organisation- fit theory. The research design adopted by the study was descriptive research since the study was quantitative in nature. The target population of the study comprised of 90 employees of Oceanfreight {EA} Ltd. The sampling technique was stratified sampling technique which was applied to determine the sample size using Slovin’s formula. Primary data was collected by use of structured questionnaires. The researcher adopted drop and pick later method to distribute the questionnaires to the respondents. Pilot study was carried out to ascertain the validity and reliability of data collection tools. The collected data was analysed, summarized and tabulated by use of SPSS software version 25. Pearson coefficient correlation and linear regression were used to determine relationships and correlations of the data. The results were presented using frequency tables, pie charts and graphs. The findings on correlation and regression analysis clearly indicated that there was a significant and positive association between talent management practices and employee performance. The research findings also showed that majority of the respondents agreed that the organization has efficient workforce planning processes which ensure all sections are properly staffed. The study concludes that the company boasts of a visible employer brand in the industry it operates and has invested in well-planned on boarding program for the new employees. The study concludes that the company has a dynamic policy governing staff training and development. This policy helps improvement of employee productivity in the company. The study recommends that the company should invest in Human Resource Information Systems to streamline its workforce planning processes to guarantee efficiency and ensure sufficient cross-section staffing. The management of the company should build its brand around human resource practices so as to attract qualified and experienced workforce. Also the company employees should be allocated tasks guided by their core experiences and qualifications so as to improve overall productivity.
Key Words: Talent Attraction, Talent Deployment, Talent Development, Talent Retention
CITATION: Njoroge, P. K., & Gichinga, L. (2021). Talent management and employee performance at Oceanfreight (EA) Ltd-Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 306 – 321.
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