This study determined the effect of customer service strategies on the privately-owned universities’ organizational performance in Kenya. The research based its argument on these theories: Customer Service, Assimilation, and Attribution. Specifically, it intended to explore the effect customer acquisition, service delivery, customer retention, and customer recovery towards the privately-owned Kenyan universities’ performance. The study settled for a descriptive cross sectional study approach, targeting 172 employees of these institutions across Kenya. The study sample size was 120 respondents determined from both random and stratified sampling techniques; collection of data was done using google forms questionnaires. In testing for reliability, the Cronbach alpha formula was employed. During analysis of data, quantitative techniques were utilized with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23.0) being applied in running both inferential and descriptive statistics. After data analysis, the use of frequency tables was preferred for the presentation of the analysed data. Deductions from the study’s analysis were that the privately-owned Kenyan universities’ is greatly impacted by customer acquisition (p < 0.05), service delivery (p < 0.05) and customer retention (p > 0.05). However, a determination was deduced showing customer recovery having insignificant effect towards performance (t = .567, p >0.05) both customer acquisition, customer retention and service delivery positively affected performance (customer acquisition: t = .301, p <0.05; customer retention: t = 13.103p <0.05; service delivery t = .011, p <0.05). Based on the determinations of this study, there is emphasis for the Kenyan privately-owned universities within Nairobi to pay more attention towards delivery of improved customer recovery plan. The study recommended for immediate institutional communication internally and externally in a manner that clarity, reliability, accuracy are the dominant features; this has the effect of improving institutional outcomes. The study recommended that private universities should invest in customer feedback to ensure customer retention. The study recommended that to improve customer recovery private universities should encourage customers to provide feedback by sending questionnaires and providing a direct line of communication.
CITATION Kuria, P., Maore, S. K., & Munga, J. (2021). Influence of customer service strategies on organizational performance among private universities in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 720 – 739.
Key Words: Customer Acquisition, Service Delivery, Customer Retention, Customer Recovery
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