This study examined effect of supplier risk management practices on supply chain performance of County public referral hospital in Western Region, Kenya. The study was guided by dynamic risk management theory. Descriptive survey design was used in this study. The study was conducted in Western region focusing on four county public referral hospitals: Kakamega County Referral hospital, Busia County referral Hospital, Bungoma County referral hospital and Vihiga County Referral Hospital. The study targeted 102 respondents who included Supply chain officers, Hospital Medical Superintends, Hospital Administrators, County Directors of Health services, County Directors of Public Health, Pharmacist In charge, Nursing Officer in charge, Laboratory managers, Orthopediatric in Charge, Physiotherapists, Accountants, Hospital Nutritionist, Hospital Caterers and Finance Officers. Stratified random sampling and simple random technique was used to select 81 respondents from the four County public referral hospitals. Primary data was collected using well-designed structured questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The data was presented in form of tables and graphs. The study found out that the County Public referral hospitals carried out identification of potential risk in supply chain, carried out on-site investigation of existence of risk and carried out joint training sessions with suppliers. However, they moderately carried out joint risk workshops with their suppliers and dual sourcing is fairly preferred to balance risks. The study further found that supply risk management practices positively and significantly influence supply chain performance of County public referral hospital in Western Region, Kenya. The study concluded that supplier risk management practices significantly determine the supply chain performance of County public referral hospital in Western Region, Kenya. This study recommended that the County public referral hospital should formulate policies to enhance frequent identification of potential risk in supply chain and onsite investigation of existence of risk. Further the study also recommended that County public referral hospital should carry out joint risk workshops with our suppliers.
Key Words; Supplier Risk Management, Supply Chain Performance, Western Kenya Region County Public Referral Hospitals
CITATION: Adala, R. O., Miroga, J., & Malenya, A. (2022). Effect of supplier risk management practices on supply chain performance of County Public Referral Hospital in Western Region, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 236 – 250.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i1.2177
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