This study determined the influence of strategy formulation on the organizational success at Airtel Company Limited. The target population was 184 respondents, who were permanent employees working at their head offices in Parkside Towers, Nairobi County. A consensus survey was used to determine the target population. The response rate was 139 questionnaires representing 76%. The study collected the primary data using structured questionnaires. Data were analyzed using inferential statistics including correlation, ANOVA, and multiple regressions. Basically, it was found out that Environmental analysis practices influence organizational success, specifically that the organization periodically gather and analyses data about market and other external factors which affect the business as supported by a mean of 2.178 and a standard deviation of 0.820. By and large Stakeholders' involvement practices improve the strategy formulation process and therefore it facilitates the smooth running of the process hence organizational success. It was found out that the organization has improved its decision-making process through stakeholder’s involvement as supported by a mean of 2.123 and standard deviation of 0.638. On the whole strategy formulation process strategic choice practices were found to be possible through generating alternatives through Employee’s suggestions as supported by a mean of 4.012 and a standard deviation of 0.869. Results from the study showed that the Environmental analysis practices and organizational success (β =0.253), Stakeholders’ involvement practices and organizational success showed a statistically significant influence on organization success at Airtel in Kenya, (β=0.053), And Strategic choice practice and organizational success (β=0.363) showed that a significant influence existed between the variables. The research concluded that strategy formulation practices can influence organizational success. Airtel Kenya Limited just like other Telecommunication industries develop a scheme of service that ensures Environmental analysis practices, Stakeholder involvement practices, and Strategic choice practices are based on merit. The study recommended that Airtel Kenya limited should invest in relevant training schedules and programs that are accorded to all staff fairly that would enhance mastering strategy formulation process.
Key Words: Environmental Analysis, Stakeholder Involvement, Strategic Choice
CITATION: Mabuka, S. R., & Kaluyu, V. (2022). Influence of strategy formulation practices on organization success at Airtel Limited, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 346 – 369.
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