Table banking is a concept that has gained popularity in the recent past in Kenya. The aim of this kind of banking is to enhance the socio-economic status of citizens particularly those from poor areas of the country. Awareness being a function of table banking impacts on poverty positively or negatively; hence, it has been an issue in both developed and less developed areas partly due to the high interest rate that is imposed on the loans by financial institutions. Economic disempowerment not only affects development of the affected areas but directly deplores the livelihoods of millions of Kenyans who are disadvantaged relative to accessibility of financial services from the mainstream institutions. Therefore, this study sought to establish the influence of awareness of table banking on socio-economic empowerment of women in Malava Sub-County, Kakamega County; Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional design method. The target population consisted respondents from five wards in the Sub County of Malava, Kakamega County; Kenya. The questionnaire was used as an instrument for primary data collection. The study descriptive and inferential statistics was analyzed by use of SPSS software version 25. Further; a regression equation model was developed to test the relationships between the variables. The results of the findings indicated Awareness of Table Banking had an influence on Socio Economic Empowerment on Women of the Sub County of Malava, Kakamega County; Kenya. The study recommended for County Governments to embrace the use of Awareness on Table Banking since it has an effect on Socio Economic Empowerment on Women of the Counties. The study recommended for further studies on the same considering same variables but different methodologies
Key words: Awareness, Table Banking, Socio Economic Empowerment
CITATION: Atieno, C., Kadima, M. J., & Juma, D. (2022). Awareness of table banking activities and socio economic empowerment of women in Malava Sub- County, Kakamega; Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 331 – 347.
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