The Women Enterprise Fund was introduced by the government of Kenya to help women participate in projects that can empower them and their families. However, latest research shows that Kenyan women are still living in poverty, which begs the question as to whether the funds are properly managed. This study analyzed the effect of Capacity Building Strategy on Economic Empowerment among women in Kakamega North sub-county; Kenya. The study adopted Correlation survey research design. Target population included women in Kakamega North Sub-County; Kenya, who had benefited from Women Enterprise Fund at least for two years. Random sampling technique was used for determination of the study sample. The study was piloted in Kakamega Central Sub-County. Close-ended questionnaires were used to collect the study’s raw data. The study descriptive and inferential statistics was analyzed by use of SPSS software version 24. The results of the findings indicated Capacity Building Strategy influenced the Economic Empowerment among Women in Kakamega, North Sub-County; Kenya. The study recommended for County Governments to embrace the use of Capacity Building Strategy, since it improves on the Economic Empowerment among women, the study recommended for more studies on the same considering same variables but counties and different methodologies.
Key words: Capacity Building, Fund Management Strategies, Economic Empowerment
CITATION: Barasa, N. G., Kadima, M. J., & Mudi, B. (2022). Capacity building strategy and economic empowerment among women in Kakamega North Sub-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 454 – 466.
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