
Many companies know how to make their global supply chains run efficiently. To measure supply chain effectiveness, it is important to look at not just what is going on within the walls of your own company, but how this is ultimately impacting stakeholders. This study aimed to establish the contributions of item specification on supply chain efficiency. It adopted the descriptive case study design and used both stratified and purposive sampling techniques. The study results showed that item specification significantly contributed to supply chain efficiency in Kenya’s Health care sector. The study recommended that the health facilities regularly do inventory assessment before procuring new items. The health facilities also need to invest in facilities that will enable them accurately estimate the quantities needed against what is available to determine their next purchases. 

Key Words: Item Specification, Supply Chain Efficiency, Customer Satisfaction, Procurement Performance. 

CITATION: Obuya, C. T., & Otsyula, J. (2022). Item specification and supply chain efficiency of devolved health system in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 897 – 906.

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